Monday, January 23, 2012

I Cheated...

Sigh...  I have a confession to make.  I cheated... had an affair...

I feel terrible about it, but I can't take back what I've done.  But at least if I share it here, I'll be held accountable.

It all started on Christmas.  My husband gave me a surprise gift (we weren't supposed to be exchanging gifts).  It was a Kindle Fire.

Picture courtesy of Amazon

Now prior to this gift, I mostly read Christian fiction, romance, cookbooks and Christian non-fiction.  Sigh... this is so HARD!  While I still read the aforementioned genres, I have branched out more into thrillers, murder mysteries, and ghost stories.  I know, I know, how could I.  I don't know, I just can't help myself!  I found sites like this which feed my addiction:

Ereader IQ

Pixel of Ink and Pixel of Ink Young Edition

The Vessel Project

New Free Kindle Books Discovered for you Daily

They are all list of free books that Amazon has available.  How could I NOT download them, they are free!  So now my paperbacks are being ignored, I'm reading about trips to Thailand and unrequited love.  Oh for shame for shame!

Please tell me I'm not alone!  Have you ever "cheated" on your favorite genre? 

Do you download a lot of free ebooks?

Love and Blessings!

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